Basket/Cart UpSale / (for 1.7.x)
This module helps to increase sales in the cart by showing most relevant products as offer to buy. This product is detected by collected statistics of this user on your website.
While user surfs your website, he performs certain actions that give him points. Administrator of the website can see these points. Then based on accumulated points, our module offers to user on cart page a specific product with discount as additional UpSale. This product’s offer for UpSale is formed from statistics of user’s actions, such as:
- Adding product to Compare
- Adding product to My WishList / Favorites
- Sharing product in social media
- Number of page views
- Adding product to cart
- Also are taken into account relations of added products with other products (Related products).
As a result Shop’s administrator can set ratios for views and, depending on them, offer a specific discount for product in the carts offer.